Fun Classroom Tasks To Involve Students In Their Learning

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It’s not unusual for students to help around class, whether it is to dole out worksheets to things such as taking care of attendance and even monitoring supplies. In fact, So why not make these tasks more important for our students by assigning them these jobs? 

In my classroom, it is not unusual to have my students ask me themselves what they can do in order to help. They enthusiastically comment how these small tasks make them appreciate their time in class more. By assigning these tasks or “jobs”, students will know what to do as soon as the class starts. 

So, which tasks are a great idea for students? Here are a few:


The distributor hands out worksheets before every activity and picks them up when their classmates are done with them. Of course, students don’t have to stop at worksheets; they can be assigned to distribute any other materials needed for the class. To make things go even smoother, have two students assigned to this task.

Designated Board Manager

This task can become one of the most important in a classroom full of students willing to participate. Have one student be in charge of managing turns, handing out markers (or chalk), and you’ll soon notice how smooth participating will be in your classrooms.


Every classroom has a spot for a mini library. A student can be assigned to the organization, control and loaning of books for extracurricular activities. Students will be thrilled to keep control on readings, and if you’re feeling a little ambitious, you can have the student keep scores of read books on a small board or poster. 

End-of-Day Manager

Simple, and good for the environment, this student will be in charge of making sure every appliance, electronic device, lights and fans are turned off at the end of the day.

Attendance checker

This one is a quick but easy way of checking attendance without having to take time off your lesson plan. Have one student call out the roll and pass you the attendance sheet at the end of the class.

count students and check their attendance, which will then be given to you at a appropriate time. 

Recess and Line Manager

Recess managers can help by organizing the lines and making everyone know when recess is over. This student will act as a supervisor and be in the front any time students need to leave the classroom for extracurricular activities or lectures.

[Image Via Planbook]

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