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Great End-Of-Semester Final Project Ideas

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Are you tired of asking students for a final presentation or a summary of an assignment? It’s not only you. Students feel like it’s a drag, especially when they have to do the same summary and/or presentation for several subjects at the end of a semester or school year. This is why I spruced it up for my students this school year, so here are some ideas you can add to your projects.

Make a website

I know what you might think: Wouldn’t students just copy and paste their summary on a blog and call it day? That’s up to you and your explicit instructions Instead of making a summary, have them investigate and expand a topic they don’t know enough about. Have them categorize the information, add videos, and even collect or take pictures related to the project. If possible, have students share their project with the class before handing it over. If the website has a blog section, have the group invite other students to review and comment on topics.

Make podcast series

This is one of the funniest activities students can make without having to physically present a project. It gives students a voice (literally), and in group work, students can create insightful comments and stories, as well as fruitful interactions between them. Just think about all the ident talents you will find now that students’ affective filter is down and they can convert their ideas without a crowd.

Make a film or documentary

Sometimes students don’t feel comfortable standing in front of the classroom. Instead, have them narrate a story, or create a series of stories. Depending on the project or assignment, you can have students present some interesting information about a specific topic or even present a website.

Information board

Are your students more into the physical arts? Ask them to create an information board complete with images, infographics, realia and hang it in class. If students feel up to it, they can present it and even record themselves while presenting the project. You can go deeper and assign a different group to document the project with videos and images about the creation and gathering of information of said information board

Make it an interactive class

If confidence is not an issue, ask students to present a topic to the class, but at the same time, add questions and questionnaires to ask the rest of the class. Students can use either printed pages or even Kahoot, Quizlet, or Quizizz. Depending on the age of the group, you have even ask them to take over the class for a period. I’m sure students will have a blast.

Photo by CoWomen on Unsplash

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