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Students Can Now Jump Between Zoom Breakout Rooms

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The ability to self-select a Breakout Room is now available, allowing students to move freely among rooms.

Breaking students into groups is the hallmark of a second language classroom. Zoom’s breakout feature aims to give us a similar experience and dynamic to our virtual classrooms.

One of the most recent additions to this feature is the added option for students to self-select which video Breakout Room they would like to join at any given moment, making our class sessions even easier than ever.

Zoom’s Breakout Rooms feature has been getting a lot of attention (and updates) ever since we all had to stay home and teach, which is never a bad thing, considering many schools are using it to teach.

If you can’t see the option, just go to zoom.us, log in using your Zoom credentials, and navigate to your Advance meeting settings. Once there, you can enable the Breakout Room feature. Once enabled, you can freely create breakout rooms during instruction by clicking on the “Breakout Rooms” icon in the lower right-hand side of your toolbar.

If you aren’t able to see this option under settings, it may need to be made available via your school IT team.

Photo by Chris Montgomery on Unsplash

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