How To End Your Lesson With Exit Tickets

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Ok, class is done. You finished your topics, the lesson plan has been done to bits. We all learned a lot. The discussions were dynamic and fresh.

Now what? You can’t just dismiss the class. How can we tie everything up? One effective way of doing this is by adding a quick check-up to your class. How? With an exit ticket.

An exit ticket is a fun way to make formative assessment and at the same time stimulate students to understand the content more. It can inform you which parts of your lesson worked best so that you can improve on it, while at the same time students recall the lesson.

Here are some exit prompt you can use in class. It can either be a slideshow or a question on the board. Alternatively, you can add two or three of these exit tickets to a Google Form or print them.

  • What two things stood out to you most from class today?
  • What was the most important thing you learned today in class? Why is it important?
  • What is something someone said during class that stood out for you?
  • Do you agree out disagree with today’s topic?
  • How could you apply today’s lesson in your daily life?
  • How would you describe today’s class to a child?
  • What is one thing from this class that you would like to see in the next lesson?
  • Which part of the class surprised you the most?
  • Brain bucket: Write down everything you learned today.
  • Based on today’s class: What will you do differently from now on?
  • Write the names of the classmates you learned the most about today.
  • Do you have some questions that were unanswered during class today?
  • Today you worked in a small group. What was the biggest accomplishment of your group?
  • Today you worked with a partner. What was the most positive experience you had?
  • What was the most confusing part of class today?
  • Which question do you still have from today’s lesson?
  • From 1 to 5: How hard did you work today? Why?
  • What can I do to help you learn more?

These are just some examples you can use. Do not hesitate to adapt these to your lesson.

Photo by Zainul Yasni on Unsplash

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